Find the programme or activity
that best suits your needs
Develop your career and take the leap you’ve been wanting with the PD3 - Fes el canvi programme. This is a totally free-of-charge programme compressed into 3 months which provides basic training in managerial strategies and skills and provides networking spaces, coaching and mentoring.
If you work in an organisation within the Social and Solidarity Economy, which is comprised primarily of women, and you think that you need a push in your training and strategy, the programme Camí de la Solidesa is for you. It provides training and mentoring in human resources management, strategy, economic viability and communication.
If you’re an entrepreneur or already have a managerial career with decision-making authority, you may be interested in the Learning to Grow programme, a comprehensive training that will reinforce your business management knowledge and skills while fostering the growth of your company from a holistic perspective by identifying the key points, weak points, business opportunities and how to implement them. PROGRAMME NOT EXCLUSIVELY FOR WOMEN
If you are a sales professional, Sales Management is a programme that can provide you with analytical tools to help you draw up a Sales Plan and reinforce your selling points, as well as planning a truly client-centred sales process. All of this is taught in practical sessions within a motivating, dynamic environment. PROGRAMME NOT EXCLUSIVELY FOR WOMEN
Responsible Companies
Are you interested in learning how to apply CSR in your business strategy and in all the company areas? This programme is aimed to executives who want to be trained and implement a CSR plan in their organisation. PROGRAMME NOT EXCLUSIVELY FOR WOMEN
Learn about the short-term activities that can help you grow in the workplace
If you have a business idea that you’ve been wanting to pursue for a while, or if you are considering launching your own business project, we have all the support and training you need.